Ostara Grimoire Page
A little thank you from us to you!
We know how hard it is to fit research in to your daily practice, jobs, families and other engagments take proirity so reading and learning gets left at the bottom of the to do list.
This is why we have put together some downloadable info sheets, you can print these off at home and add them to your grimoire, read, learn and add to them as you wish.
For more information please visit the Facebook Page ALTAR COLLECTIVE.
all information was correct at the time of research which was in 2023, none of the information in these pages is intended to replace medical advise o if you are suffering please seak professional medical help. Never leave a spell or open flame unttended and do not inhale or ingest any of the ingredients.
These downloads are intended for personal use only. Please do not sell these either in downloaded form or a printed version.